Comrehensive Motor Insurance (Commercial Insurance)

Motor Insurance policy is mandatory under the Motor Vehicle Act. The Society ensures that the owner of vehicle is protected from financial losses, caused by damage or theft to the vehicle and third party liability.

Comprehensive motor insurance policy gives the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:

Loss or Damage Due To:

  • Accidental means, Fire external explosion, Self – ignition
  • Lightning, Flood
  • Theft & Burglary
  • Malicious Act
  • Whilst in transit (Road & Rail)
  • Terrorism, Riots & Strikes (Optional)


Followings are the exclusions to this policy:-

  • Losses incurred outside geographical area of Pakistan
  • Consequential loss depreciation wear and tear
  • Mechanical or electrical breakdown failures or breakage

Damage to Tyres and Battery unless the Motor Car is damaged at the same time where the liability of the company is limited to 50% of the cost of the replacement